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National Beta in Louisiana

From the music to the Cajun cuisine, Louisiana Beta is the epitome of southern hospitality. Join Beta in Louisiana and experience the energy!

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Louisiana Club Directory

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State Conventions

Strengthen the bond with your club and meet Betas from all across the state at the annual Convention.

State Leadership

LA MallorieDuet SRPRES

Mallorie Renee Duet

Senior President

Houma Christian School

LA AmaiyahGriffin SRVP

Amaiyah Seimone Griffin

Senior Vice President

Hammond High Magnet School

LA WilliamWei SRSEC

William Wei

Senior Secretary

Baton Rouge Magnet High

LA LyvvieDoucet JRPres

Lyvvie Doucet

Junior President

Lake Charles Charter Academy

LA OliviaAlexander JRVP

Olivia Alexander

Junior Vice President

S.J. Welsh Middle School

LA LandonMarshall JRSec

Landon Michael Marshall

Junior Secretary

Moss Bluff Middle School


Jacob Gold

Elementary President

Houma Christian School

Jennifer Desormeaux

State Sponsor

Erin March

State Sponsor

DC Reeves Elementary

Donna Kay Darnell

State Sponsor

Union Parish High School

Kristi Hebert

State Sponsor Elect

Cecelia Clark

State Sponsor Elect

Plaucheville Elementary School

Shannah Moses

State Sponsor Elect

Westlake High

KeithLeger LA

Dr. Keith Leger

Board Member

The National Beta Community

Stay connected with our National Beta Community and follow us on all social media accounts. This is a great way to get to know more about us and our events.


Download Our App

National Beta Gateway is the official mobile app of National Beta Club. Gateway is available for sponsors, members, and guests allowing exclusive access to all things National Beta.

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