Constitution Section by Section Select a Section to Read Preamble Article I - Governance Article II - Membership Article III - Chapter Officers Article IV - Meetings Article V - Identification and Recognition Article VI - Forfeiture or Revocation of Charter Article VII - State Conventions Article VIII - State Student Officers Article IX - National Conventions Article X - National Student Officers Article XI - Educational Scholarship Fund Article XII - Discrimination Prohibited Article XIII – Indemnification Article XIV - Conflict of Interest Article XV - Compliance with Internal Revenue Code Article XVI- Dissolution Article XVII- Amendments Article XVIII- Parliamentary Procedure
Believing that exemplary student effort and achievement should be encouraged and rewarded, and seeking to cultivate the ideals of service and leadership in our citizens of tomorrow, the governing body of the National Honorary Beta Club has instituted this organization for the promotion of these ideals and those stated in the Beta Creed, among elementary and secondary school students. To implement this purpose the following articles have been adopted.
Article I - Name
The name of this organization shall be The National Honorary Beta Club. The name of each individual chapter of the organization shall be designated by the name of the school at which it is located.
Article II - Purpose
The name of this organization shall be The National Honorary Beta Club. The name of each individual chapter of the organization shall be designated by the name of the school at which it is located.
Article III - Governance
The governance of The National Honorary Beta Club shall be the responsibility of the National Beta Club Board of Directors, and its officers and committees, as provided for in the Bylaws.
Article IV - Membership
The National Honorary Beta Club shall consist of members as provided for in the Bylaws.
Article V - Officers
The National Honorary Beta Club shall have officers as designated in the Bylaws. The qualifications of officers, the methods of their selection, and their respective powers and duties shall be set forth in the Bylaws, Official Operating Codes, Minutes, Handbooks or Manuals.
Article VI - Amendments
This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the members of the Board of Directors in attendance at any of its regular or called meetings. The proposed amendment must be provided to all Board Members and the Executive Director at least thirty days prior to the meeting at which it is to be considered. All officials of the organization are to be notified in writing of any and all amendments to the Constitution and shall abide by them as by the stipulations of the original Constitution.
Article VII - Bylaws
Bylaws consistent with this Constitution may be adopted. Such Bylaws may contain any provisions necessary for the orderly administration of the National Honorary Beta Club and its affairs including, but not limited to, the governing authorities, officers, elections, and meetings; provided that should there be any inconsistency between this Constitution and the Bylaws, this Constitution shall prevail.
Article VIII - Dissolution
Procedures for voluntary dissolution shall be included in the Bylaws.
Article I - Governance
Pursuant to the authority granted in Article III of the Constitution, the National Board of Directors has established the following governance structure for the National Beta Club:
Section 1. The National Beta Club Board of Directors
Subsection A - National Board of Directors
The National Honorary Beta Club, henceforth titled The National Beta Club in these Bylaws and in all future use of this title for the organization, shall be governed by a National Board of Directors (the National Board).
Subsection B - National Officers
The National Board shall have two National Officers: a Chair and a Vice Chair. These officers shall be elected for a period of one year at the Board’s regular annual meeting. It shall be the duty of the Chair to preside at all meetings of the board. In the absence of the Chair it shall be the duty of the Vice Chair to preside at meetings. All officers shall assume office the first day of the month following their election.
Subsection C – National Board Composition
The National Beta Club Board of Directors shall be made up of the chairperson from each State Beta Council.
Subsection D - Term of Office
Each National Board member’s term shall be for three years, with no more than one-third of the members of the Board being scheduled for election in one year.
Subsection E - Meetings
The National Board shall meet at least once a year at such a time and place as shall have been determined at the last preceding meeting of the Board. Special meetings may be called upon the recommendation of the Chair and Executive Director or through special arrangements approved by the Board of Directors.
Subsection F - Quorum
Two-thirds of the members of the National Board must be in attendance at a meeting, either in person or electronically, in order to constitute a quorum. Official business of the Board may not be conducted in the absence of a quorum. However, the Board may hold advisory or informational meetings in the absence of a quorum.
Subsection G – Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
The National Board shall select and appoint an Executive Director who will serve as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in managing the affairs of the National Beta Club in compliance with policies and procedures established by the Board. The Executive Director’s initial contract shall be for a period not to exceed three years and is renewable at the Board’s discretion.
Subsection H - Policies
It shall be the duty of the Board to establish all policies of the National Beta Club. Such policies shall include a Code of Ethics that all Board members shall agree to honor.
Reference: National Beta Policy and Procedures- BOARD --- CODE OF ETHICS--- Policy Code: 151-A - BOARD ETHICAL STANDARDS
Subsection I - Audit and Budget
The National Board shall receive the annual audit of the National Office, and shall approve the annual budget for the next succeeding year.
Subsection J - Annual Report
At the annual National Board meeting, the Board shall receive the annual report of activities, and a list of activities planned for the succeeding year.
Subsection K - Committees
In addition to State Councils, the National Board shall set up such organizational committees as shall be necessary for the proper supervision and direction of the affairs of the organization.
Section 2. State Beta Councils
Any state that has at least 50 local Beta Clubs or at least 2500 student Beta Club Members and that has been recognized by the National Board of Directors as a convention state shall be governed by a State Beta Club Council.
Subsection A - Composition
Each State Beta Council shall be made up of at least three but not more than twelve individuals from that State who are currently employed or retired school administrators. All Council members, in order to serve, must be associated or have been associated with schools that have active Beta Club chapters. The tenure of office shall be for a period of three years. The rotation of State Council members elected to three-year terms shall be accomplished by electing a proportional number (up to one-third) of these members on an annual basis.
Subsection B - Meetings
Each State Beta Council shall meet at least once a year at such time and place as shall be determined at the last preceding meeting. Special meetings may be called upon the recommendation of the State Beta Council Chair and the Executive Director of the National Beta Club.
Subsection C - Regulations
Each State Beta Council shall develop regulations concerning the operation, governance, and servicing of the chapters within its state. The decisions of State Beta Council concerning activities and regulations within its state shall be final, except when the proposed activities and regulations are in conflict with policies established by the National Beta Club Board of Directors, or contained in the National Beta Club Constitution or Bylaws. Each State Beta Council shall report to the National Beta Club Board of Directors through the elected State Chairman, who is a member of the Board of Directors, at the annual meeting of the National Beta Club Board of Directors.
Subsection D - Chair
Each State Beta Council shall elect one of its members as Chair for a three-year term. The Chair may be elected for succeeding terms. This individual shall serve as a member of the Board of Directors of the National Beta Club and shall assume this responsibility at the conclusion of the annual convention.
Subsection E - Vice Chair
Each State Beta Council shall elect one of its members as Vice Chair for a three-year term. This individual shall serve as a member of the Council and will assume the responsibilities of the Chair in his/her absence.
Section 3. Local School Administration
The school administration has the immediate responsibility for the policies and activities of the local clubs.
Section 4. Sponsors
Subsection A- Local Club Sponsors
The work of the local club shall be carried on under the supervision and with the advice of a local club sponsor. A superintendent or principal may choose to personally serve as local club sponsor, may appoint someone to act in this capacity, or may leave the selection of a sponsor to the membership of the local club. The extent of the participation of the sponsor in the workings of the local club shall be left to each sponsor’s discretion. However, in all events, conducting the business of meetings should be left to the students themselves, thus affording the student officers and committees practice in parliamentary pro¬cedure.
Subsection B – Local Co-Sponsor
A co-sponsor may be appointed or selected in the same manner as a sponsor.
Subsection C - State Sponsor
Each state that has a convention shall have a State Sponsor who shall serve a two-year term. The State Sponsor shall be responsible for organizing the state’s annual Beta Club Convention. If, during the State Sponsor’s term in office, he/she should be terminated or resign from his/her duties as a local club sponsor, the State Sponsor shall relinquish his/her duties and the State Sponsor Elect will complete the unexpired term.
Subsection D - State Sponsor-Elect
Each state that has a convention shall elect one representative from among the local chapter sponsors to serve as State Sponsor Elect for a two-year term. The State Sponsor-Elect will automatically become the State Sponsor at the end of the two-year term of the State Sponsor or upon the resignation or termination of the State Sponsor. If, during the State Sponsor Elect’s term in office, he/she should be terminated from his/her duties as a club sponsor, the State Sponsor Elect will relinquish his/her duties and local chapter sponsors will elect a new State Sponsor Elect at the next scheduled state convention.
Article II - Membership
Section 1. Club Charter Eligibility
Subsection A – Public & Non-public Traditional Schools*
Any public elementary or secondary school which includes any of the grades 4-12 shall be eligible to apply for a charter as a chapter of the National Junior Beta Club, grades 4-8, or the National Senior Beta Club, grades 9-12. Non-public schools are also eligible to apply for a charter provided that the school or schools are accredited through one of the accrediting agencies approved by the National Beta Club Office. The membership of National Beta Club shall be comprised of clubs of those students who qualify for membership according to the Constitution and Bylaws of the National Beta Club. A minimum of five members is required to charter a club. There are no restrictions on the maximum number of members per club. Membership is not limited to any certain percentage of the students in the various classes.
*Traditional schools are defined as accredited schools housed in a specific building or set of buildings in which students are enrolled and physically present for a defined full-time school day. They do include homeschools or cooperative groups of home-school students.
Subsection B – Public & Non-public Virtual Schools*
Any public virtual elementary or secondary school which includes any of the grades 4-12 shall be eligible to apply for a charter as a chapter of the National Junior Beta Club, grades 4-8 or the National Senior Beta Club, grades 9-12. Non-public online virtual schools are also eligible to apply for a charter provided that the school or schools are accredited through on of the accrediting agencies approved by the National Beta Club Office. In order to be awarded a charter, a virtual school must provide acceptable evidence that it uses effective criteria for identifying exemplary student achievement and high moral character of students applying for club membership. The membership of National Beta shall be comprised of clubs of those students who qualify for membership according to the Constitution and Bylaws of the National Beta Club. A minimum of five members is required to charter a club. There are no restrictions on the maximum number of members per club. Membership is not limited to any certain percentage of the students in the various classes.
*Virtual schools are defined as accredited online schools in which students are enrolled and receive full-time instructional services.
Any homeschool cooperative, group or association which includes any grades 4-12 shall be eligible to apply for a charter as a chapter of the National Junior Beta Club, grades 4-8 or the National Senior Beta Club, grades 9-12. Students must be working on or above grade level , show exemplary academic achievement and high moral character for membership consideration. The membership of National Beta Club shall be comprised of clubs of those students who qualify for membership according to the Constitution and Bylaws of the National Beta Club. A minimum of five members is required to charter a club.
Homeschool students not associated with a cooperative or group will charter under the organization of their respective state name. Homeschool students follow guidelines of membership qualifications as stated in membership Section 2. Homeschool student standards are maintained by the respective sponsor. There are no restrictions on the maximum number of members per club. Membership is not limited to any certain percentage of the students in the various classes.
Section 2. Student Membership Qualifications
Requirements of student membership are solely qualitative within the scope and regulations specified in these Bylaws. A student must be a member in good standing of a Beta Club at his/her current school of attendance to be considered an active National Beta Club member. Only active members may participate in state and national competitions and become candidates for and hold state and national office. Membership is a privilege and not a right. The qualifications for membership on the part of the student shall be: (a) worthy, moral and ethical character; (b) exemplary achievement, and commendable attitude. The standards and means for appraising these qualities shall be determined by the administration of the school where the chapter is located. Since the purpose of the organization is to select, honor, and encourage students possessing these characteristics, it shall be within the province of the administration of each school to set up such local standards of membership as shall best serve to bring together in the chapter students who merit distinction because of these qualifications. All students must be performing at or above grade level in order to be eligible for membership. Local school administrations are at liberty to limit membership to certain grades. Specific academic requirements for membership are not established at the national level, as local systems of grading and merit determination vary. Each local school and club shall establish such academic requirements for membership that will insure the selection of students of exemplary qualifications. At no time shall membership in the National Beta Club make it incumbent upon a member to alter his/her religious or political ideas or affiliations.
Section 3. Selection
The method of selecting eligible students for membership shall be determined by the administrative head (principal/administrator) of the school. The administrator shall select students according to standards established for that particular school. Invitations for membership will be provided to all students meeting those standards.
Section 4. Membership Fees
Subsection A - National Fees
There are no charter charges to establish a chapter of the National Beta Club. The per student membership fee into the Junior Beta Club is fifteen dollars for entry into Division I (Grades 4-5) and fifteen dollars into Division II (Grades 6-8). The per student membership fee into the Senior Beta Club (Grades 9-12) is fifteen dollars. There will be no refund of membership fees after the student is certified for membership. The membership fee is payable by each student regardless of the date of affiliation with the organization.
Subsection B - Local Fees
Additional assessments may be made by local clubs for purposes of carrying on their work locally. The cost of membership in the club should be kept at an absolute minimum, so that no worthy student is unable to become a member for financial reasons.
Subsection C - Convention Fees
The National Board of Directors may establish registration fees for attending the National Convention. Each State Council, in conjunction with the National Executive Director, will establish a state registration fee for attending the state convention.
Section 5. Induction
Each local club shall conduct a dignified service for the induction of new members into the organization.
Section 6. Pledge
After a student has been nominated and duly elected to membership, and after his/her certificate has been received from the Executive Director, he/she shall subscribe to a pledge that shall be provided for in the policies enacted by the National Board of Directors before he/she can be considered a member of the National Beta Club.
Section 7. Certificate of Membership
Certificates of membership in the National Beta Club are issued only upon the recommendation of the executive head of the school. No student may become a member of the club unless approved by the head of the school. In all cases an application for membership must be signed by the superintendent or principal of the school in which the prospective member is enrolled as a student.
Section 8. Disqualification and Reinstatement
Since the National Beta Club is a merit organization, members who fail to maintain an exemplary record, or who engage in personal conduct unbecoming members of the Beta Club, may be disqualified from membership pursuant to policies developed by the National Board of Directors.
Section 9. Beta Club Alumni
Upon graduation, all alumni may remain affiliated with the National Beta Club. Alumni shall have access to the alumni website and shall be entitled to attend conferences, upon payment of conference registration fees.
Article III - Chapter Officers
Each local chapter shall elect officers. Each chapter shall have the following officers: (l) president, (2) vice president, (3) secretary and (4) treasurer. A local chapter may nominate and elect one of its members to serve as secretary/treasurer. Other officers may be elected to meet specific needs in a local club. These officers shall be elected by the members of the local club in any manner that may be agreed upon and shall hold office for one year.
Section 1. President
The president of the local chapter shall be responsible for general supervision of the local organization and shall, in cooperation with the school principal and the executive committee of the local chapter, determine all policies and general activities of the chapter. The president shall preside at all meetings, shall appoint all committees of the club, and shall assure that the local chapter is properly represented at all interclub meetings and conventions.
Section 2. Vice President
The vice president shall act in the place of the president in the event of the president’s absence from the school or meetings. The vice president shall also act as chair of the executive committee and shall serve as general assistant to the president.
Section 3. Secretary
The secretary shall keep all records of the local chapter, keep minutes of all meetings, and carry on all correspondence of the club.
Section 4. Treasurer
The treasurer shall have general charge of the finances of the local club, collect all fees, and pay approved bills. All financial transactions shall be consistent with the policies of the local school. Furthermore, the treasurer shall make a full statement of the financial condition of the local club at the last regular meeting of the school year, at which time the treasurer shall turn over all monies and financial records to the incoming treasurer.
Article IV - Chapter Officers
Section 1. Chapter Meetings
Each local chapter of the Club shall meet at least once a month.
Section 2. Committees
The President, in consultation with the Club sponsor and the administrator, may appoint committees to conduct the business of the club as needed.
Article V - Identification and Recognition
Section 1. Motto
The Motto of the National Beta Club shall be: “Ducamus aliis serviendo” (“Let us lead by serving others.”)
Section 2. Colors
The colors of the National Beta Club shall be old gold and black.
Section 3. Charter
There shall be issued to each club qualifying for affiliation with the national organization a charter which shall attest to its membership. This charter shall carry the name, seal, and insignia of the national organization and shall bear the signatures of the Chair of the National Board of Directors and the National Executive Director.
Section 4. Certificates
Each student member of the National Beta Club shall, upon qualifying for membership, be issued a certificate of membership. The certificate shall bear the name and insignia of the club, and shall be signed by the Chair of the National Board and National Executive Director. It shall be attested to by the administrative head of the local school and the sponsor of the local chapter.
Section 5. Membership Card
A membership card, bearing the organization insignia, signed by the National Executive Director, and to be countersigned by the member shall be issued to each student member. The card shall state that the student whose name appears on it has been duly initiated into the National Beta Club.
Section 6. Seals
Each student member in good standing shall be issued a gold seal of the Beta Club to be attached to his/her senior high school diploma. This seal shall be sent to the club sponsor just prior to the graduation period.
Section 7. Pin
Each member of the Beta Club is entitled to wear a Beta Club pin signifying his/her membership. Said pin displays the organizational logo in black and gold. It shall accompany initial membership credentials.
Section 8. Emblem, Insignia, Logo
The emblem of the club shall be a shield with three stars at the top, the letter B in the center, and an eagle with outspread wings at the base.
The insignia of the club, to be used on all charters, certificates, membership cards, documents, and stationery of the club, shall conform to the features of the emblem as set forth in this Article, with a knight’s head above, and the words “Achievement, Character, Leadership” circling underneath. The insignia or emblem of the National Junior Beta Club shall be a shield with the letter B in the center encircled with the words Junior Beta. These Beta Club logos are registered trademarks with the United States Government Patent Office. The reproduction of these logos by any company or manufacturer other than the National Headquarters is prohibited by law. The Board may give permission to a company or manufacturer by contract to reproduce the Beta Club logos.
Section 9. Song
Beta Club Song
1. The Beta Club’s for leadership, for loyalty and truth; the Beta Club’s for fellowship, a guide and help to youth.
2. So here’s to Beta’s fellowship, to courage and the right; and here’s to Beta’s leadership: a beacon in the night.
Chorus: Then let’s stick together in fair or foul weather: We’ll find that there’s no better plan. ‘Twill make school days brighter and make our paths lighter to serve wherever we can.
Article VI - Forfeiture or Revocation of Charter
Section 1. Forfeiture
Any chapter of the National Beta Club which shall fail to fulfill the provisions of the National Constitution and Bylaws, or which shall conduct its affairs and business in such a way as to contradict or impede the progress and purposes of the organization, shall forfeit its charter. In the event that a charter is to be canceled at the request of the local chapter and administrator, the National Office will recognize and register such cancellation.
Section 2. Revocation
The National Office may revoke a Beta Club charter when a club fails to fulfill the provisions of the National Constitution or Bylaws or conducts its affairs and business in a manner which contradicts or impedes the progress and purpose of the organization.
Section 3. Right of Appeal
Reasons of forfeiture or revocation will be documented by the Executive Director and communicated to the local administrator. The Board of Directors will receive and act upon any appeals.
Article VII - State Conventions
There may be held annually a convention of members of the National Beta Club in each state, on Junior or Senior level, where the total membership justifies such a convention. The criteria for holding a state convention are: 50 Junior clubs and 2500 Junior members at the Junior level; and 50 Senior clubs and 2500 Senior members at the Senior level. The time and place of these conventions shall be determined by the State Council upon the recommendation and approval by the National Executive Director or his designee in consultation with the State Officers and the State Sponsor. Conventions established prior to 1990 are exempt from these minimum requirements. Junior Beta Members, grades 4-8, may attend and compete at their senior state convention if there is no junior convention in their state. These junior members that attend and compete at the state convention may also attend and compete at the National Junior Convention. A non-convention state meeting the above criteria may begin a convention upon the recommendation of the club sponsors in the state and the National Executive Director, with the approval of the National Board of Directors.
State Convention Planning Committee
Each convention state shall have a State Convention Planning Committee for the purpose of planning and coordinating the annual conference. The members of the committee shall include: the State Sponsor, the State Sponsor Elect, a State Council member and three additional sponsors involved in the state convention.
Article VIII - State Student Officers
Section 1. Senior Officers
Subsection A - Officers
Each state shall have students who serve as the statewide president, vice president, and secretary. These officers shall be elected from among the rising Beta Club juniors and seniors and shall hold office for one year unless removed by the State Council for cause.
Section 2. Elementary and Junior Officers
Subsection A - Elementary and Junior Officers
Each state shall have students who serve as the statewide junior president, junior vice president and junior secretary. These junior officers shall be elected from among the current sixth or seventh grade Junior Beta Club members and will hold office for the ensuing year. No officer shall serve more than one term in any office as a Junior Beta Club member.
Each state shall have students who serve as the statewide elementary president and elementary junior vice president. These elementary officers shall be elected from among the current fifth grade for elementary president or fourth grade for elementary vice president. Elementary Beta Club members and will hold office for the ensuing year. No officer shall serve more than one term in any office as an Elementary Beta Club member.
Subsection B - Election Process
The election of these officers shall be by individual vote of the Beta Club members who attend the state convention. Simple plurality will be used. Individual states may use a delegate method of voting if approved by a two-thirds State Council vote. No proxy voting is allowed. Candidates for state offices must be present for the entire State Senior Beta Convention. They must pledge to attend the convention the following year, unless providentially hindered. If for any reason an elected officer is unable to serve, the runner-up in that election will be asked to fill the vacancy.
Subsection C - Tie Breaking
In the event of a tie for any state office, the existing state officers will break the tie and will be given a ballot for this purpose. A State Council member must be present to observe the tie-breaking vote.
Subsection D - Duties
It shall be the duty of the state president to preside and address the convention at one general session at the annual state convention. The vice president shall assist the president and shall preside and address the convention at one general session. The secretary shall attend to necessary correspondence, preside and address the group at one general session.
Section 2. Junior Officers
Subsection A - Officers
Each state shall have students who serve as the statewide president, vice president, secretary, and chaplain. These officers shall be elected from among the current sixth or seventh grade Junior Beta Club members and will hold office for the ensuing year. Each state shall have students who serve as the statewide reporter. This officer shall be elected from among the current fourth grade Junior Beta Club members and will hold office for the ensuing year. No officer shall serve more than one term in any office as a Junior Beta Club member.
Subsection B - Election Process
The election of these officers shall be by individual vote of the Junior Beta Club members who attend the state convention. Simple plurality will be used. Individual states may use a delegate method of voting if approved by a two-thirds State Council vote. No proxy voting is allowed. Candidates for state offices must be present for the entire State Junior Beta Convention. They must pledge to attend the convention the following year, unless providentially hindered. If for any reason an elected officer is unable to serve, the runner-up in that election will be asked to fill the vacancy.
Subsection C - Tie Breaking
In the event of a tie for any state office, the existing state officers will break the tie and will be given a ballot for this purpose. A State Council member must be present to observe the tie-breaking vote.
Subsection D - Duties
It shall be the duty of the state president to preside at one general session of the annual state convention. The vice president shall assist the president and preside at one general session. The secretary shall attend to all necessary correspondence and preside at one general session. The reporter may compile newsletters; submit articles and pictures to state and local newspapers and to the National Beta Club Website. The chaplain shall be responsible for an inspiration at the convention.
Article IX - National Conventions
Section 1. National Senior Convention
There shall be held annually a national convention of members from Senior Beta Clubs. Club attendance at the state’s Senior Beta Convention, if one is held in the state, is mandatory for attendance at the National Senior Convention. Each club eligible for attendance will be permitted an unlimited number of delegates to the convention. All delegates attending the convention will be eligible to vote during scheduled voting times.
The time and place of this convention shall be determined by the Board of Directors upon the recommendation of the National Executive Director.
Section 2. National Junior Convention
There shall be held annually a national convention of members from Junior Beta Clubs. Club attendance at the state’s Junior Beta Convention, if one is held in the state, is mandatory for attendance at the National Junior Convention. Each club eligible for attendance will be permitted an unlimited number of delegates to the convention. All delegates attending the convention will be eligible to vote during scheduled voting times.
The time and place of this convention shall be determined by the Board of Directors upon the recommendation of the Executive Director.
Article X - National Student Officers
Section 1. Senior Officers
Subsection A - Officers
There shall be a president, vice president, and secretary of the National Senior Beta Club. These officers shall be elected from among current state officers and will hold office for one year. No officer shall serve more than one term.
Subsection B - Election Process
The election of these officers shall be by delegate vote at the National Convention, as set forth in Article IX, Section 1, of these Bylaws. The candidate with the majority of the votes will be declared the winner in each race. Candidates for national office must be present for the entire National Convention. They must pledge to attend the Convention the following year, if elected, unless providentially hindered. If for any reason an elected officer is unable to serve, the runner-up in that election will be asked to fill the vacancy.
Subsection C - Election Tie Breaking
In the event of a tie for any national office, the national officers will break the tie and will be given a ballot for this purpose. A National Board member must be present to observe the tie-breaking vote.
Subsection D - Duties
It shall be the duty of the national president to preside and address the group at one of the general sessions of the convention. The vice president shall assist the president, preside and address the group at one general session. The secretary shall attend to necessary correspondence, preside and address the group at one general session. National student officers shall cooperate fully with the national office staff.
Section 2. Junior Officers
Subsection A- Officers
There shall be a president, vice president, secretary, reporter, and chaplain of the National Junior Beta Club. These officers shall be elected from among current state officers and will hold office for one year. Candidates for a National Junior Beta Club office must be a member of a Junior Beta Club the following year in order to serve as a National Junior Beta Club officer. A student may serve only one term as a National Junior Beta officer.
Subsection B – Election Process
The election of these officers shall be by voting as described in Article IX, Section 2, of these Bylaws. The candidate with the majority of the votes will be declared the winner in each race. Candidates for national junior office must be present for the entire National Junior Convention. They must pledge to attend the Convention the following year, if elected, unless providentially hindered. If for any reason an elected officer is unable to serve, the runner-up in the election will be asked to fill the vacancy.
Subsection C - Election Tie Breaking
In the event of a tie for any national office, the national officers will break the tie and will be given a ballot for this purpose. A National Board member must be present to observe the tie-breaking vote.
Subsection D - Duties
It shall be the duty of the national junior president to preside at one of the general sessions at the annual national junior convention. The national junior vice president shall assist the president, preside and address the group at one general session. The national junior secretary shall attend to the correspondence, preside and address the group at one general session. The national junior reporter shall help with the campaign, preside and address the group at one general session. The national junior chaplain shall be responsible for presenting an inspiration at the National Junior Beta Convention. National junior student officers shall cooperate fully with the national office staff.
Article XI - Educational Scholarship Fund
The Board may allocate any surplus accruing in the treasury above operating costs of the National Beta Club to an educational scholarship fund. This shall be used to promote educational opportunities for the membership in any manner that may be determined by the Board of Directors of the National Beta Club.
Article XII - Discrimination Prohibited
In administering its affairs, the National Beta Club shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, creed color, national or ethnic origin, sex, age or physical disability.
Article XIII - Indemnification
Each member of the National Board of Directors and Officer of the National Beta Club shall be indemnified against all expenses actually and necessarily incurred by such Director or Officer in connection with the defense of any action, suit, or proceedings to which they have been made a party by reason of being or having been such Director or Officer except in relation to matters as to which such Director or Officer shall be adjudicated in such action to the fullest extent authorized by law. However, deliberate or intentional violations of the law shall not be indemnified.
Article XIV - Conflict of Interest
Section 1. Definition
Any member of the National Board of Directors, the National Executive Director or any member of the National Office staff shall be considered to have a conflict of interest if: (a) he/she has existing or potential financial or other interests which impair or might reasonably appear to impair his/her independent, unbiased judgment in the discharge of his/her responsibilities to the National Beta Club or (b) such Board member, Executive Director or staff member is aware that any family member or any organization in which he/she, or member of his/her family, is an officer, director, employee, member, partner, trustee or controlling stockholder, has such existing or potential financial or other interests. For purposes of this paragraph a covered family member shall include a spouse, parent, sibling, child or any other relative who resides in the same household.
Reference: BOARD --- CONFLICT OF INTEREST--- Policy Code: 152 and STAFF--- CONFLICTS OF INTEREST--- Policy Code: 204
Section 2. Disclosure
All National Board members shall disclose to the Board any possible conflict of interest at the earliest practicable time. No National Board member may vote on any matter under consideration at a Board or committee meeting in which such Board member has a conflict of interest. The minutes of such meeting shall reflect that a disclosure was made and that the Board member having a conflict of interest abstained from voting. Any Board member who is uncertain whether a conflict of interest may exist in any matter may request the Board or committee to resolve the question by majority vote. If a Board member or Beta Club staff member becomes aware of a possible undisclosed conflict of a Director, that potential conflict shall be disclosed to the Board. The Board has the authority to direct a Board member with a conflict to recuse him or herself from any matter in which the Board member has a conflict.
Article XV - Compliance with Internal Revenue Code
No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall be used to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distribution in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article II of the Constitution. No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation. The corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501 © (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law) or (b) by a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under Section 170 © (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).
Article XVI - Dissolution
Following a year’s notice, the National Honorary Beta Club can be voluntarily dissolved with an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the membership of the Board of Directors in a meeting called to determine dissolution. In the event that The National Beta Club is dissolved as a corporation within the State of South Carolina, and ceases to exist for stated purposes and goals, said Certificate of Dissolution shall be filed with the Secretary of State in accordance with the statutes of the State of South Carolina pertaining to the dissolution of a nonprofit corporation. Any assets shall be distributed to organizations which are organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, or scientific purposes, as shall at the time qualify as exempt organizations under section 501 © (3) of the Internal Revenue Code (1954).
Article XVII - Amendments
Section 1. Process
These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the members of the Board of Directors in attendance at any of its regular or called meetings. The proposed amendment(s) must be to provide all Board Members and the Executive Director at least thirty days prior to the meeting. All club officials of the organization are to be notified in writing of any and all amendments to the Bylaws and shall abide by them.
Section 2. Responsibilities
Prior to each annual meeting of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee shall review these Bylaws and recommend any necessary changes.
Section 3. Effective Date
Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws, passed by the Board of Directors, become effective immediately following the vote; unless a different date is requested by the originators and is approved by the Board as specified in the motion of amendment.
Article XVIII - Parliamentary Procedure
Section 1. Procedure
The National Board of Directors will appoint a Parliamentarian to monitor the procedures of the Board according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 2. Duties
Specific and detailed duties of all officers, committees, panels and special appointments shall be carried out as prescribed in all official Policies, Operating Codes, Handbooks, or Manuals.